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Thank you for visiting our family site. ASK and ye SHALL receive. Believe! I encourage you to have faith in the Lord Christ in all you do. Our God is a compassionate and merciful being. With Christ nothing is impossible. May the Lord bless you and keep you in all things! Our donate button is to the left of this page. Thank you for your support.

Help Support Our Cause

Plateea Ministries is a cooperative organization committed to supporting single parents, women, and children who are suffering through hardships in their lives. Our mission is to help provide them with encouragement, spiritual support, and access to grant funding and/or education in the truth, word, and light.

Our website provides free access to education in the truth, the light, and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Christ is the foundation for everything we build in life, whether that be our bodies, our family, our business or anything else we undertake in life.

Good News
The good news is simply this: when we make Christ our foundation, no matter what personal decisions we may undertake, building on his foundation results in priceless rewards. Whatever you build survives even the harshest storms in life, and a just reward is received. Yes, it sounds too good to be true.

On a Personal Note...
We are pleading to our supporters to help sustain many sites that encourage youths and women to promote God-esteem and their God-given gifts in the area of creative talents, abilities, and skills. Plateea Ministires works to encourage physical and spiritual healing that promotes godly living and inspired lifestyles.  We are communal creatures, as human beings we can only survive with each others love and support. 

One of the greatest gifts God gives us is connects us with Christ and allows us to form an intimate relationship with our Savior. It brings us in relationship with the Comforter.

Three hour prayer sessions are nothing uncommon, and will bring you to terms with a lot of the things you have to come to terms with if you want to learn what love is and where healing begins.

The Holy Spirit is the only true teacher. He will guide and direct you into the hands of the people that will help you on your personal journey toward healing. If you come into agreement with the simple fact that Christ is your Savior.

This I know...

God loves me, and He loves you. You are precious in His eyes, as are we all. Created beautiful, perfect and majestic. So allow him an opportunity to begin a miraculous work in your life. Pray a simple prayer with me.

Dear Jesus,

I accept you into my life
As my Lord and Savior;
Purify my heart,
Purify my mind,
Purify my body and
Renew my broken spirit.
Lord Jesus Christ,
Forgive me my sins,
and stick by my side
Now and forever,

Simple, huh?

The Humbled Beggar
Sometimes, you have to be humbled to the point of a beggar before you can really rise again to be a true worker of anything.

I am no victim. I am a champion. I have a plan. Rather, the Lord has a plan for my life, and it is a good one. I have been praying for some time about how to address the plan God has lay before my life. I am a single mother with three children. This is a simple fact. I was living in a housing complex for about two years. Prior to that I was in a dangerous situation, in a shelter for a short time. I managed to get my kids into an apartment complex. It was a comical situation.

Drug deals were a daily occurrence. People knocked at our doors at all hours of the night. Drugs and alcohol, damaging belongings, these were part of our daily life. Someone shot a bullet through an apartment right above ours, a bullet that landed in a baby's crib (thank the good Lord the baby wasn't in it). I didn't sleep... ever. There was noise all the time, at all hours of the night. Yet, the Lord was always near. And, this was one of the best times of my life, a point of my life when I was closest to the Lord, free of abuse, living in a situation where I was free to worship and praise God.

You see, I hadn't made good choices in my life until this point. Had I, perhaps I would be living in more idyllic circumstances. So I was somewhat grateful to be where I was, albeit wishing for something more. I put my hope in the Lord. 

It was here in this place, of commotion and unrest, that I experienced one of the most glorious encounters with the Lord Jesus I had ever in my life! His glory and mercy are quite amazing in our most difficult times!

I must say however, I found it challenging to pray with the noise. Note to everyone: earplugs are quite helpful in these times. And, it is in noise where we can explore the peace of God! Inner tranquility. On another positive note, it afforded a lot of opportunities to try to minister to people, and learn a lot about myself and things I needed to work on. I was thankful however, because where I was before, could have caused the death of my entire family, from a spiritual and physical standpoint.

When I did reach my near breaking point however, I found a place so I could move out. It was a place I had seen in a vision.

That is not to say I am a finished work. Faaar from it. But the even better news (SO MUCH GOOD NEWS when you decide to party with Christ) is that you don't have to be perfect to receive the blessings of Christ (even though I told you he looks at you as though you are perfect!!).

Christ continuously works to clean and perfect us. And, Christ, why, He is really cleaning me up!

We all need cleaning; we all sin. Shortly after I had my third child, I developed a life-threatening staph infection, which led to a severe health diagnosis that nearly killed me. I suffered long-term effects. At one point, I was bedridden for almost a year. The good Lord has been healing these one at a time. The pain was at times so bad I had to crawl on the floor to take care of my children. I gritted my way through it, and did it, largely with the grace of God. He makes good character and strong people. Such afflictions brought me only closer to him.

All I can say is, I am not sick, because he is healing me! The medical bills resulting from all this had crippled me (so to speak) financially. But that is ok, my treasure is coming in. Sure, I lost a career. But look what I gained! The peace, abundance and tranquility of Christ. PRAYER has been tremendously helpful in achieving this. 

Prayer and grace, and natural methods have been a blessing. And God is now ever present in my life. It is glorious, worth all the effort.

God is working miracles in my life.
You are beautiful. You are loved. You are perfect, just the way you are. And so are you, and you and you. And Thank you even for stopping by. I have dozens of people praying. Please pass the message.

May you be blessed in all things. In life, in love, in courage. In grace. May you have peace in all things in your life. Please help support this site so that we may continue to provide support to other women in need. Our site helps provide funding and support for several sites and provides grant support to women and children in need.

Thank you for your support.

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